Cover of Issue 1 of Volume 110 of the California Fish and Wildlife Journal with a purple martin, a medium blue and black songbirds sitting on a metal fence

Cover and Front Matter

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Ange Darnell Baker

Design and Layout Editors

Gabe Quillman, Andrew Willkens, Lea Koerber, Alison Nevins, Diane Haas, Jennifer Gaffey, Maggie McCann, Rose Dodgen, Shelby Thompson, and Lanette Richardson

Associate Editors

Wildlife Branch: Laura Patterson, Dan Skalos, Katherine Miller, Karen Converse, Katrina Smith, Matt Meshiry, Tom Batter, Anne Hilborn, Shannon Skalos, and Kimiora Ward
Fisheries Branch: Jeff Rodzen, John Kelly, Felipe La Luz, and Gabriel Singer
Habitat Conservation Planning Branch: Cherilyn Burton, Lauren Miele, Kate Morozova, and Margaret Mantor
Watershed Restoration Grants Branch: Jennifer Olson
Water Branch: Ken Kundargi and Erica Myers
Conservation Engineering Branch: Mark Gard
Inland Deserts Region: Jeff Villepique and Steve Parmenter (retired)
Marine Region: Morgan Ivers-Duran and Kimberly Walker
Northern Region: Ken Lindke and Joshua Gruver (junior editor)
Aquaculture Program: Randy Lovell
Office of Cannabis: Jennifer Nguyen and Matt Toenies

The California Fish and Wildlife Journal is published quarterly by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. It is a journal devoted to the conservation and understanding of the flora and fauna of California and surrounding areas. If its contents are reproduced elsewhere, the authors and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife should be acknowledged.

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The views, opinions, and conclusions within the content of this publication are solely the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Cover Image: Purple martin (Photo Credit: Lisa C. Alvarez